Autumn, A Reminder

It is time for a reminder – for me. So today I chose to read a simply profound work by my favorite author, Parker J. Palmer. Today I read an essay found in his book, Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation. The passage I selected to quote below comes from his essay on Autumn, page 100:

“Autumn constantly reminds me that my daily dyings are necessary precursors to new life. If I try to ‘make’ a life that defies the diminishments of autumn, the life I end up with will be artificial, at best, and utterly colorless as well. But when I yield to the endless interplays of living and dying, dying and living, the life I am given will be real and colorful, fruitful and whole.”

I spent some time today cleaning, organizing and preparing – all autum tasks in the creative cycle. I read a little and listened to music. I also spent time just gazing out the back window, watching the birds, listening to the chatter of goldfinches who now wear their winter feathers of brown and pale gold. Noticing the browns, yellows and red hues of the foliage in my garden. And I considered my daily dyings, actual dying, fears, and ruminations. And I was just quiet. Rocking gently in my new glider. Holding my tummy. Watching it move about and stir. Breathing and being alive.

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